Netcat windows download
Netcat windows download

netcat windows download

Who can be reached at This page was last updated on February 6, 2012. This tool is used at the command prompt, and more detail on its use is shown here.

netcat windows download

Your standard input is then sent to the host, and anything that comes back across the connection is sent to your standard output. In the simplest usage, "nc host port" creates a TCP connection to the given port on the given target host. security\netcat and extract the files in this directory. Create a directory to extract Netcat, e.g. Information on its use is shown here.ĭownload Netcat from this location. This tool is used at the command prompt and the output is an HTML file.


Using null sessions, NBTEnum can retrieve userlists, machine lists, sharelists, namelists, group and member lists, password and LSA policy information. NBTEnum is a command prompt Win32 information enumeration utility. security\NBTEnum and extract the files in this directory. NBTdump lists NetBIOS information from Windows and *NIX Samba servers such as shares, user accounts with comments etc and the password policy as shown in this example.ĭownload NBTEnum from here. security\nbtdump and save the file in this directory (it is uncompressed). Create a directory to extract nbtdump, e.g. (Note: limited time only, for the course). It is a graphical tool and has an on-line help.ĭownload NBTDump from here. SMBScanner allows you to check for Microsoft SMB (SAMBA) shares in a range of IP addresses. security\SMBScanner and extract the files in this directory. Create a directory to extract SMBScanner, e.g. More detail on its use is available here.ĭownload SMBScanner from this Web site. This tool is used at the command prompt, as shown in class. security\nat and extract the files in this directory. Once you obtain the IP block of the target organization, you use Legion to look for shared resources: files, directories, printers, etc.ĭownload Nat from its ftp location. Legion let you scan IP ranges or lists for shares, as shown in class.


You receive an output as in this example.ĭownload Legion from its archive location Extract it using Explorer and install it. You click on the Report tab, Select Computer (enter IP number) and select what items you want in the report. DumpSec also dumps user, group and replication information. Netcat is an awesome Linux command used by network administrators and security experts. DumpSec is a graphical tool which allows you to dump the permissions (DACLs) and audit settings (SACLs) for the file system, registry, printers and shares in a concise, readable listbox format, so that holes in system security are readily apparent. Extract it using Explorer and install it. The uses of NBTscan are shown here.ĭownload DumpSec from its web site. security\nbtscan and extract the files as shown in this example. Create a directory to extract NBTscan, e.g. Start by downloading NBTscan from this Web site. Please note that I am emphasizing Windows tools, but we will see Linux/UNIX tools later. Network administrators do not take lightly the probing of their networks and may respond aggressively to your attempts to gain information about them by using some of these tools. You should be very careful in using these tools outside of the Lab. These are to be configured in the NetCat app settings.This is a selection of enumeration tools you may wish to install in your MIS Lab machine in order to do the course assignments.


For deeper inspection, the user can drill down to specific alarm details for the devices, map device locations, view driving directions to and from devices, and launch device-specific web pages for real-time troubleshooting and configuration.Additional functionality includes the ability to upload the users current geographic location to the CheetahXD database for assignment to a specific device, map all devices within a 2 mile radius of the users current location, and map any user-specified deviceidentified by its MAC address.NetCat requires network connectivity and a valid username/password login account to the customers CheetahXD HFC Status Monitoring system. Managers and supervisors can view the status of monitored devices in their HFC plant subdivided by Universes (geographic regions or user-defined device groups), Domains (power supplies, fiber nodes, Network Trackers), and Categories (Critical, Major, Minor, Good, and Standby). The NetCat application provides Cable MSO operators using the CheetahXD Hybrid Fiber Coaxial (HFC) Status Monitoring system with an at-a-glance mobile view of the overall status of their HFC network.

Netcat windows download